Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Episode 19 : One Day To Go Before Merdeka!

Today physics exam is the worst!!!
Sir, how can you do this to us (especially to me!)!.
Why your questions always look simple but it's not really how it seams?!?!
How can you be so good in doing such a question..???
Kudos for you for being a genius.
I'm sure failing this time!
Because of YOU (more on me sebenarnya.haha.but you who make it worst though.xp)!

Anyway, tomorrow last paper!
Can't wait though.
I have a long list to do after exam..

That's all for now.
Will be back very soon!!!! xp

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I'm feeling down lately :(.I won't be updating this blog much.But do enjoy your stay.I really mean it.=D