Thursday, October 22, 2009

Episode 18 : Cameron Highland Family Trip!

I was like so excited about this! =D
But i know it's still in exam mood.
"Study AG,Physics and Modern maths pun belum lagi!!!"..
I know!
But i'm sacrificing my whole weekends to go to the family trip over study for exam!!!
Anyway,I'm failing anyways.
This year my results are the worst out of the worst!
Next year I'm surely gonna drop class!!!
I know I should work hard, but as hell knows me, I'M FREAKING LAZY!
My 2010 New Year Resolution should include "1)RAJIN! 2)STUDY FOR SPM!".
I think that's gonna be my first New Year Resolution in my whole life!!
I never had any motif in life, so i guess this is a good shot aite ?

p.s:I need tutor for Chemistry, Additional Mathematics and Physics Subjects.Anyone interested? Do contact me. ;) (I'm half serious about this :p. But if you have suggestion or willing to help me, I'll be happy about it. THANK YOU!)

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I'm feeling down lately :(.I won't be updating this blog much.But do enjoy your stay.I really mean it.=D