Friday, October 16, 2009


Again, after my dearest "younger brother" case last year, i cried again for people..
As I stated before, I love people around me.
And sometimes, I love people to much.Until i think of them as my own blood.As a part of me.As my family.
That's why I treat them like how I treat my family.
I get angry at them.I scolded them.I give advice.I joke with them.I play with them.And all...

But when they cheated on me, lie to me,and didn't take me seriously when i'm serious. That's where the point where i'm gonna be sad.

That's what happening now.This seconds when i'm typing these words.

One of my "elder brother" didn't take me seriously when i'm serious.
Let me tell the truth.I'm serious when i am.

He think i'm just joking about it.
About that facebook girl, I am kinda jealous.
But hey, it's up to you what you're gonna do about her.
Who am I to butt in your business..??
What I'm really upset is about what happened last Saturday.
I was upset when i knew you were here, but i didn't get the chance to see you.
But I thought I could get over it.And I sorta did.
But when your "dearest boyfriend" provoking me, that's the point where I get very upset.
I feel angry + upset + depressed.
But hey, NO ONE take me seriously aite..?? As i expected.

Because i was so sad with the incident,I decided to delete that "elder brother" as my facebook friend.
But still, NO ONE take me seriously.
Days have passed, but my heart just get more depressed.
All my shoutouts and status, only contains my depression.
Until my other "elder brother" asked me about it.
I told him about the incident. And he asked me to forget about the both of them and about all those.He asked me to not hate people.
So I did.

But after that. The "elder brother" that made depressed, ask me to forgive him.
and i put an icon shaking its' head sideways.Because the sadness that that I remember is so bad. It's hard for me to forgive him.
But as I expected, NO ONE take me seriously.
Then my anger rise again.

After a couple of hours, my other "elder brother" besides the both two that I mention above, ask me; how am i doing.So I said; I'm sick.He asked me to take medicine.Then I said; how can I take medicine when the heart is the on that is sick?

Today, a few minutes before i start typing this post, the "elder brother" that make me depressed say that he was so sorry.
He didn't know that i was THAT serious!
He said that he did want to come and see me.
Owh really??!! I didn't know that? Was that my bad for not knowing? Or my bad for hoping so much?!
I was CRYING when he he send the chat message.
I can't believe I'm in TEARS again!!!!

In my prayers i always include these people;
2)My family
3)My Relatives
4)My "Elder Brothers"
4)My "Younger Brothers"
5)My friends
6)All people in the world.

But lets' say I'm in a hurry.I'll include these only;
2)My family
3)My "Elder Brothers"
4)My "Younger Brothers"
4)All people i the world

Thats' showing how much I love THEM!
And how much I trust THEM!
And how much I am HOPING for THEM!

But I know....

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I'm feeling down lately :(.I won't be updating this blog much.But do enjoy your stay.I really mean it.=D